Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cocoa & Toast

Hello! It's time for Tuesday's at the Table! This week I'm sharing an old family favorite. We used to eat it all the time no matter what meal, Justin claims that it can only be for breakfast. It might seem a little gross to some but it's SOOO good I swear!

Click on the button to go see who else is sharing today!

What you need
1-4 slices of bread
peanut butter

Heat the milk in the microwave while the bread is in the toaster. Add as much cocoa powder as you like when the milk is done. let the bread cool a little bit before you put the PB on. Cut as shown above.

(don't mind my John Deere cups). Take one half and dunk it!

Then EAT!!! It's really good I promise! It kind of tastes like a big Reece's!

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